End of Semester

The end of the Spring semester is a week away! Time to help my students make that final push into their last week of classes for the online folks, and into final exam for the in-person group. For me, and my faculty, the theme is grading. Ugh!

My undergraduate research students already successfully defended their theses. Congratulations to Angel, Ashley, and Arfan! The grad students are finalizing their work as well, and by the end of the coming week, they’re all done too.

Together with another colleague, we’ll continue to work with at least one of them during the summer to work on a paper based on their work.

Commencement is going to take place on the 21st. Adelphi will take over the Nassau Collisium for the day, and we’ll have an undergraduate ceremony in the morning and a graduate ceremony in the afternoon.

Enrollment numbers are looking strong for all five of our programs, and our enrollment trendline continues to slope up. With all of that, I’ll be more than happy to complete my first year as Chair of Mathematics and Computer Science, and I look forward to all of new things that next academic year has to bring us.