If you email me and expect a complete and meaningful response, please follow the following guidelines:
If you want me to do something for you, state that near the beginning of your message. Do not tell me your life story and have an implied question in that. I’ll likely miss it.
Be concise but complete. Tell me what I need so that I can help you. I am not a mind-reader.
If you are taking classes with me, please tell me which one! Ideally even, which section! It helps me put your request in the appropriate context. For example, “assignment 2” means something very different between CSC 674 and CSC 263.
Address me appropriately. Please don’t start you email with ‘hey’ or ‘dude’. We’re trying to turn you into a professional here :)
Use proper capitalization. Don’t write me in all caps.
Use proper grammar. Break up your message in sentences and paragraphs. A run-on stream-of-consciousness is hard to read and I probably won’t make it till the end of the message anyway.
Use correct syntax. Just about anything you use to write email will give you an indication when you use words that are not spelled correctly. There is no excuse for sending me emails with typos. I accept English (US or UK) and Dutch ;)
If I don’t get back to you immmediately, don’t barrage me with followup requests. I know it is hard to wait, but sometimes that just needs to happen. See Email response time for more information.