
Leune headshot

This blog is solely related to my academic research and teaching portfolio. In addition to this site, I also maintain the Information Security Leadership Blog and The Technology Toolshed.

My main research interest revolves around defensive cybersecurity, with a focus on cyber threat analysis. My research is grounded in access control theory, information security management and conceptual modeling.

I am currently affiliated with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Adelphi University as an associate professor. In that role, I act as chair of the department. I also have a secondary appointment in the Office of Information Technology as the university’s Information Security Officer/CISO.

To contact me, please email leune@adelphi.edu. My mailing address is:

Dr. Kees Leune
Adelphi University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
1 South Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
United States of America

If you would like to send me secure email, please used my gnupg key listed below

pub   rsa4096 2008-01-17 [SC]
      95B3 4A1B B8BF E2F0 C230  B2BA 4E23 CAB8 E80D 8F7F
uid           [ultimate] Kees Leune <kees@leune.org>
uid           [ultimate] Kees (Cornelis Jan) Leune
uid           [ultimate] Kees Leune (Leune Consultancy, LLC) <kees@leune.com>
uid           [ultimate] Kees Leune (Information Security Officer, Adelphi University) <leune@adelphi.edu>
uid           [ultimate] [jpeg image of size 13166]
sub   dsa2048 2023-08-05 [S] [expires: 2025-08-04]
sub   rsa3072 2023-08-05 [E] [expires: 2025-08-04]

By popular demand: my name is Dutch in origin and is pronounced as “Case Loehne”. My last name is notoriously difficult to pronounce for native English speakers. For your convenience, I also have a recording.